Media Room: B-Roll Video

The following b-roll clips are all aerials available for you to use to illustrate your stories about oil sands development and the environmental implications.

Conditions of Use

All video clips are:
Copyright ©2006 The Pembina Institute

Credit must be given in the form:
Video courtesy of blue monk productions/The Pembina Institute.

If used online, you must also provide a link to:


Each clip is provided in .avi format for broadcast.


If you have any questions about the use of these videos please contact

David Dodge
Director of Communications
Email: davidd(at)

Available B-Roll Clips [.avi format]

Oil Sands Project Sites
Well Pads and Seismic Exploration
Tailings Ponds
Ft. McMurray and Residential
Athabasca River
Boreal Forest
Landscape Misc.