
Carbon Neutral by 2020: A Leadership Opportunity in Canada's Oil Sands (Fact Sheet)
Published: Oct 23, 2006

The oil sands are projected to contribute up to 47% of the projected business-as-usual growth in Canada's total emissions between 2003 and 2010, making them the single largest contributor to GHG pollution growth. This fact sheet highlights the key findings of Pembina's full report entitled Carbon Neutral by 2020: A Leadership Opportunity in Canada's Oil Sands and provides a sample cost analysis showing how oil sands companies could achieve "carbon neutral" (no net GHG pollution) production for as little as a few dollars per barrel of oil.

Download the fact sheet below. The full report can be downloaded here.


Publication Type: Briefing Notes, Summaries & Fact Sheets

Topic Area: Oil Sands


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